Get your business listed

Please read this first

Currently, this program is only open to businesses that meet the following criteria:

  1. The business must be in one of the following business categories:

    Bars & Restaurants



    Retail Sales
    Specialty store
    Department store
    Drug store
    Discount store
    Used goods

    Health & Beauty
    Fitness centers

    Service Industry
    Lawn Care
    Auto Repair

  2. The business must be located within the Reno County boundaries.
  3. The business must be a member of the Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce. Not a Chamber member yet? Contact Marcy Kauffman at:; or call her at 620-860-2689.
  4. The business owner, or majority shareholder, must reside in Reno County or within a 25 mile radius of Reno County.
  5. The business must currently sell and accept gift cards and/or gift certificates.
  6. The business must employ (or had been employing as of 3/10/20) a minimum of one person, either part-time or full-time with a maximum number of 50 full-time employees.
  1. When a customer completes an order, she/he will receive an email confirmation with an order number. 
  2. Customers will be advised that they need to pick up their gift card at your business location once it has been deemed safe to do so.
  3. We do not recommend that businesses bypass CDC, RCHD, KDHE recommendations or mandates in order to fulfill customer orders. 
  4. Once safe, a customer will bring confirmation of their purchase to your business. This will either be printed out or presented on their phone. 
  5. Using a simple paper form or the sales report provided to you, take down the customer’s name, order number, gift card amount and the date of fulfillment. Then, have the customer sign the form verifying their acceptance. 
  6. Process a sale via your current P.O.S. or existing processes for the gift card/gift certificate. 
  7. Give your customer the gift card and thank them for the support!

Weekly, staff from the Hutchinson/Reno County Chamber of Commerce will compile a report of the total sales of gift cards for your business. They will then issue and mail a check payment in that amount to your business (or address of choosing). 


Asset 1

Business Application/Profile